
May 2024

‘Interview in PLUS Magazine with IMAT’s Dr Joachim Giesekus on PFAS restriction in Europe – German language’

September 2023

IMAT position paper on proposed PFAS restriction – English language

June 2023

IMAT position paper on proposed PFAS restriction – German language

May 2023

IMAT position paper on indium as critical raw material

April 2023

IMAT signed the International Lead Association (ILA) open statement following ECHA’s 11th recommendation to put lead metal on the authorization list

February 2023

IMAT proposal for gallium as strategic raw material under the CRM Act

November 2022

Ga-GaAs as raw material in the value chain

March 2022

IMAT contribution to call for evidence RoHS

January 2022

Application of III-V semiconductors

November 2019

IMAT contribution – RoHS – 2nd stakeholder consultation – InP